Thursday, August 12, 2010


In high school I was a cheerleader. I have blonde hair and well I just come across as a typical cheerleader. Alot of people thought I was basically a stupid stuck up snob. I'm quite the opposite. I've never been mean to anyone with out a reason, I've never thought that I am better than anyone else ever. People think because of how I look that I am automatically stupid, which I'm not. I know alot of things no one would ever think about, I just wasn't good at school. Nothing in school really interested me besides history and media so because of that people thought I was dumb. I think I'm very intellegent, just in a differnt way. I may not be very "book smart" but it doesn't mean I don't have anything to offer. It doesn't mean I'm stupid. It never really hurts my feelings when people think that I am stupid, It just makes me want to work harder to achieve what I have always wanted to do. I'm very goal oriented and I've always known what I will do in the future. Not many kids my age can say that. While kids my age may be really good at science or math I'm good at other things. My whole life I've been really interested in football and other sports and anyone can ask me pretty much any question related to that and I'll give you the right answer. In high school I wasn't interested in what everyone else was. Most of my time went to cheerleading, the rest went to watching football, hockey, baseball, and basketball, and sleep. I should have done my homework and tried better in school but high school wasn't the place for me and I really wanted nothing to do with it. Anything outside of school was better for me. Thats why I like columbia, yes I still have to take the classes I'm not the best at but I get to start out as a freshman doing what really intrestes me, I had none of that in high school. People would look at me and still do and think "she's a snob". In fact last night I was told I was a snob and that I think I'm better than everyone else. I'm not a snob, I actually like all types of people and maybe if people looked at me for who I am instead of how I look on the outside they would see that. I would never say I am better than anyone ever. I think everyone in the world has a purpose and they are just as good as me no matter what they do or who they are. You can be the world's most famous person or you can be someone from a third world country that has nothing and I still would never think I was better. Everyone has something to offer no matter how small it may seem, everything a person does matters and I would never look down on anyone because of something superficail or because of where they come from. I have always made it to be a point to be friends with all kinds of different people because once you leave high school youre in the real world and no one is the same anymore.Everyday you have to work with differnt people and I didn't like being around people who seemed the same and I know throughout the rest of my life i'll be surrounded by people differnt than me and instead of judging them, I like to learn from them. People from different backrounds really have always intrested me I like knowing what made people who and how they are today. Just because I have a certain hair color and dress a certain way doesn't mean I don't care about anything thats differnt from me. It doesn't make me a snob. I'm not that ignorate to think superfaicail things make a whole person up and I don't think people should be that way when they look at me. I really do like all types of people and I'm no where near being a stupid stuck up snob.

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