Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 8 Response- Kyle Rich

Richard- I feel like flocks of animals such as fish, or sheep can be very good metaphors for how humans can be and interact. Birds are no different and i am glad that you decided to share the example with us. In the first sense,     birds fly together in a flock or V formation. I feel as if this represents how human's aren't the only animal who decided not to always think for themselves. While somebody is the flock is "appointed" the leader (i'm not quite sure for i do not speak bird), the rest of the birds are basically under the control of the leader. Without finding their exact own way, they follow under another's ideals and ideas. I feel that this can relate to human's in a political sense. So many people label themselves "democrats" , "republicans", "conservatives", or "liberals" , without looking at the issues firsthand. Some people are too smart to just follow under one party, and cannot sit back while other's make decisions for them that they do not agree on. Birds could be the same way. Maybe their is a quicker way to the South than the leader appoints. That bird will never know until he decides to go his own path. I'm not dismissing siding and following others, i just think that this should all be done after first discovering your own "route." Another sense i agree in with the metaphor, is the caged and free aspect. It seems as if the birds who are caged are lazy and seem to give up. However, the ones soaring in the sky with beauty seem to be the more motivated animal that gets out there and does his own thing. It seems as if the caged birds were followers. And humans are no different. Gang violence and affiliation leads to nothing but jail time, conflict, or even death. And those that lead are always more successful than those who follow, in my opinion.

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