Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Stereotypical George

I've become friends and learned to know people that, in the past I have been around but not met yet personally. Regardless of how it was brought up people have told me what they thought of me before they actually met me. I've heard things like "I thought you were a dick!" or "You seemed conceited". Once or twice I've even asked "What kind of person did you think I was?" with a response as simple as "asshole". These things might be true but I'll tell you that's only if I'm joking around or I'm not in the most pleasant mood. To be honest people probably think that way because of my friends, that may even sound one sided but I know my friends. In the last blog I mentioned my friends being considered the "jocs", they are some of the best people I know but "joc" is an automatic stereotype in itself, if your a sports junkie. They see I'm with the "jocs" and automatically think "ok he's not a joc, but he's with them, HE'S A DICK!". Yes, some of my friends are assholes, not to me or else I wouldn't call them friends but to others. Once you talk to me, just once, you can see that I'm not conceited or jerk at all. I like being interactive with people at social gatherings, doing things out of the ordinary. That's maybe where people get the conceited part like "oh he's tryin to up himself", well no I just like to have fun. As a matter of fact I'm a very mellow person and I keep to myself, same with my friends and if you want to talk to me go ahead I won't bite.

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