Allie- I am very glad you picked such a great question to relate to both stories. In Persepolis, not only are certain characters being falsely judged, but the ENTIRE country of Iran is being judged and sterotyped falsely. Muslim extremists and fundementalists have taken over the country and turned the country upside down, all for the fear and paranoia of the citizens. They feel like nobody is "religious" or "devoted", enough to Muslim, that they enact and set up laws that force the religious values and enforce harsh punishment to those who do not follow or rebel. These extremists instantly judge all these people and look at them as immorals. To the government, women are seen as sluts who need to cover themselves entirely to make themselves unattractive to anybody. Men are viewed as a bunch of pigs who will jump on a woman the instant they see a strand of hair. All these people being judged influences the entire story of the oppression and violence. Everything negative that the Shah and his regime brought on, was a direct result of judging. I indeed have falsely judged people, but i mean who honestly hasn't? It is one of those live and learn things that you go through and realize that things are never what they seem. Being judged myself is always a hard thing to go through. It's like people have already written who they think you are and you have to rise above it to prove your whatever they think your not.
Bash- I've always found that talking about things that trouble you, is the best way to get things off your chest. To pour out emotions and feelings to somebody who will actually listen and care, is a redeeming feeling. However, for me, i rarely have anybody in my life that will sit down and really listen. I am an extremely open person about everything, however i still feel as i cant trust anybody to listen. There have been to many times in the past where i have made myself vulnerable, and it came back to bite me in the ass. It's sad to say, but i will never open up to anybody extremely unless i trust them. And right now, my trust factor is very low. I am glad that things in Chicago have been going fantastic for me, and i have no complaints. But i know that this will end eventually, and i really hope i can find solace in somebody that will lend an ear. I feel thought, talking things out with people really works. You would be supprised in the similar experiences the other person may have. Also as well, advice is always easy to give from an outside perspective. Feed off of what these people say, and really soak in their reccomendations to help out your choice. You'll find that they can usually suggest what is best for you and the situation, because they have no emotional ties to it. I do not really advocate bottling things up all together. It's good to keep somethings to yourself, file them away, and then pull it out later, but if you just keep cramming and cramming, eventually the folder is going to rip, and all your problems will fall out at once.
I get what you mean when you say you have a low trust factor. I feel the exact same way. There is very few people who I trust. I'm glad you see that talking to others helps. I like how you are so honest here.