Allie's question:
All the characters in True Notebooks have been judged at one point or another.Mark judged them all at the begining of the book, listing reasons why he shouldn't help them out. He judged them right off the bat assuming because they are criminals that they aren't reallly people. No matter what situation one is in, they are still a person with real feelings. The characters even judge eachother. They judge eachother on race, the seperate themselves based on race. They reallly probably shouldn't because most of them are in there for the same reason, skin color shouldn't matter. They can all relate to one another seeing as how they are all going through the same things. I think they way the judge eachother effects them all. The new kids that come in see the judgements made and will just continue to do the same. I think that is really a waste, making friends and connections with everyone probably could have helped them get through their cases a little bit easier knowing that they had people who understand to lean on. I think it the boys in Mark's class proved eachother wrong, because they have made the connections with eachother while listening to one anothers work.I think everyone has made a judgement about someone. I know I have before. I think everyone judges a person as soon as they see them. It effects the way we all veiw eachother. I know I've certainlly been judged many times, I'm sure I'm judged multipal times a day by people. It depends what people think about me when the judge me if it hurts my feelings or not. Most things really do not hurt my feelings anymore, I know I'm going to prove everyone wrong one day so I'm not really worried about it. I've pretty much been called every bad name you can think of, I just veiw it as people being ignorant and saying things before they evn know me. It just gives me more fuel to do accomplish what I want to do in life and prove everyone wrong.
Bashkim's Question:
I think in almost all my writting classes I've had to write personal things and say them outloud. Sometimes it makes me feel better about myself, other times it makes me feel awkward. Alot of times I just like to keep things to myself and I feel like I'm letting people in a little too much, so it makes me actually feel a little uneasy. I've always been more of a private person and I've never really enjoyed sharing super personal things about myself to others. I think it's probably because of where I went to school. Everyone was pretty rude and I would get made fun of, even when I was little. People would just assume things and start stupid petty rumors so thats probably why I don't tend to share alot with many people. No one at my old school was very supportive. I lived in a type of place where everyone was self centered and everything revolved around drama and the girls ecpecailly were mean. They made me feel like they were better than me, like they were perfect or something, so honestly most things I was told to write I would make up stories so no one would make fun of me. I know most people are not so mean and inconsiderate like most of the people I went to school with, but I still don't really like sharing stories about my feelings. I feel like it takes me a while to open up to people, let alone a room full of people I'm not very close with. I have noticed at Columbia that everyone is very supportive and listen to what you say and no one makes fun of eachother. I really like that. I would feel way more comfortable sharing stories here than I ever would with people I've went to school with and have known since I was little.
I like your level of self confidence. I think if everyone had the amount of confidence in themselves that you do there would be less judgement and ignorance and more people that are honest and comfortable with themselves.