Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 14 Response- Kyle Rich

Carmelo- Yes. I do strongly believe that Marjane would have a different view on the world without a doubt. While she was in Iran, her limitations to culture, education, and freedom all had a limit on them. And now that she has broken out of the country, she has began to assimilate into Western Culture. She has begun to live through and embrace all that she has been kept from, and it has without a doubt added to her knowledge and influence of who she is currently. She never was the type to be closed minded, but however there were just things and aspects she was unaware of. After she left boarding school and stayed with her friend, she began to pick up on and realize some of the more typical teenage behaviors. Where she comes from, smoking, drinking, and have pre-marital relations are extremely frowned upon and dismissed. But when she meets with other teenagers from a different part of the world, it becomes glorified in that culture. Maybe the boys in True Notebooks would have had a better advantage if they did not come from the ghettos. If they lived in a sunny and gated community, things maybe wouldn’t have seemed so desperate and hopeless for them. They wouldn't see the desperations and troubles of the street life and realize they wouldn't have to do it. If they had a nice comfortable house to return to, they would realize how grateful they were, and they did not need anymore. If i was sent away, i would and did survive regardless. Although things anywhere or a move is difficult, i have gone through this a few times and realized that after two weeks, it is extremely easy to acclimate yourself. I would find myself like Marjane at first, scared, nervous, and just going with the flow. Slowly remembering names, and taking in all the new locations of your surroundings. However, after awhile no matter where, you can always break away and begin to pave your own path.

Natalia- I feel that anything new for anybody always takes some getting used to. I am sure Marjane's mother is not thrilled to see her living with eight gay men, but at the same time she may not understand because i am almost positive being openly gay in Iran would result in punishment or death. Marjane comes from a very educated and non-ignorant family. Although i am sure her mother has no experience in this field, she seems as the type that is open minded and would be accepting to almost anything. It is almost sad to say, but it took me a very long time to mature and get out of my childhood ways. I take care of lots more things on my own and finding independence. I am never told to study or read, but however i tend to just want to do it on my own. I am managing my time extremely well, and ALWAYS am making sure to get my work knocked out of the way before i have fun. I am just now starting to really feel in my heart the change that i am growing up, and not only am i proud of myself, but my parents as well. We have been much closer, when ironically i live away from them. I actually call my parents up and want to strike up conversations. We have started to touch base on new levels. They also repect and accept my decisions. I inform them of all my "immoral" behaviors, but as long as its all in moderation and i continue to strive with school and ambition, why would they care if im drinking and smoking pot? They don't, and they understand small aspects of my lifestyle. I am glad this change has been made, because for awhile i was starting to feel like a Peter Pan, just stuck in my own ways and childhood.


  1. I like how you tied Marjane moving into your experiences, and mentioned that no matter where you are you will always find a way to fit in. I think that's what holds back a lot of people from moving and trying new things because they are afraid they won't fit in, but you and I both know that if you adapt yourself to the situation, you will be able to find a place where you fit in.

  2. i couldnt agree with you more, Marjane was introduce to a different teen lifestyle than the ones in Iran, and almost American teen lifestyle you can say. If she wasnt exposed to this lifestyle of sex, drugs and rock-n-roll she would have been in Iran learning how to be a "civilized" women.
