Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Megan's question:
There has been many times when I have made the wrong choice in my life. The one that sticks out to me the most is not doing well in high school. I made the choice to be more into myself and my social circle as opposed to doing my work. I thought I could bull shit my way though and everything would be fine. I would miss school at least once a week and leave after lunch on most days. Doing that has coasted me from getting into Columbia. i know am in this program having to prove that I can be successful in college. I know I was smart enough to do all my work in high school, I just made a poor decision. I know that I am capable of doing good in college and I'm here to prove it. I am very thankful that I have been given this opportunity to prove myself. I have been applying myself to my school work more than ever. I have never felt so proud of my self. I know I can do this. I'm thankful that Columbia saw that I do have potential and has allowed me to do this program. I think doing this program will help me tremendously when starting out the school year. I feel like I will know what to expect now. I know that I can do my work, complete it on time, and attend class. I have already seen so much change in myself.

My question:
In the novel True Notebooks, the character Jimmy Wu went through a hard trial. On pg 205 he begins to describe how he feels about his trail. He starts out describing being in the holding tank and how he felt before his sentencing.How long it took for the moment to come. He talks about how he was praying for a lesser sentencing. It seems like a lifetime for him to have to wait and see what will be determined for the rest of his life. He talks about how he had so much support during his sentencing, how so many people came to watch for him. He did not get the verdict that he wanted, which mad him feel upset. He now has to wait 15 years to be released back into society where he will be free. He know just has to sit and wait.
For me a moment that felt like it lasted forever was cheerleading try outs. I tried out for a team that was a complete different level of cheerleading than I was used to. The others at try outs seemed to be so much more talented than me. I was nervous. Every single minute of tryouts seemed to be the longest minute known to man. The worst part was after tryouts, having to wait a week to find out if I made it or not. I felt anxious the whole week and so stressed out. It felt like three years had gone by before I finally found out. Then I found out I made the highest level and it was awesome. I don't think I have ever been more excited.

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