Final Response:
Throughout the bridge program my confidence in my work and for college has been steadily escalating. I no longer doubt my work or feel that its not good enough. I now see school as a chance to learn and improve on the daily. My habit of waking up and not looking forward to school has been replaced with a new habit of waking up and looking forward to another learning experience. I don't even procrastinate as much and I've even developed a schedule of when to do my work from class. I don't think any of this would have happened if I didn't attend the bridge program and because of it everything is starting to work out for the better. I've picked up nothing but good habits by being and even lost a few. To have the perfect semester I would have to continue doing so.
My perfect semester would involve good grades, a maintainable social life, and having all my financial issues taking care of. All of this is within reach and I just have to work hard at it and not slack not even for a second. People have always told me I am capable of good grades and last year I started believing that and the bridge program is furthering my belief. This mentality just has to carry over to the school year as well as my willingness to do the work. The bridge program has also taught me to be a bit more friendly and more open to others. Columbia is all about networking and I'm pretty good at that but as always there's room for improvement. I've learn to forget about first impressions and to just learn more about the person themselves by being around them. There are so many interesting people in this world and I want them to know and vice versa. In the end it will all be worth it since there's no such thing as too many people knowing about you. Plus that's more people to show your work too, never who might know somebody important. Taking care of my financial issues during the problem has taught me to be more independent and more on top of my own stuff. This will cause me to get the information I seek on my own without someone holding my hand throughout the entire ordeal. Being independent is something I'm still learning how to do, but it comes with time.
The biggest obstacle I will face during the school year is myself. I get lazy, doubtful, and I put off work a lot. I will pride myself on staying on top of my work and making sure I overcome myself. I feel that there's no other bigger obstacle than myself, because at the end of the day I make all the decisions whether it be good or bad. I want to make sure this school year I make a majority of positive choices. Seeing as no one is perfect I know a few mistakes will be made, but I will make sure I learn from them and work to improve on the mistake I made. With all the talk of how serious college and getting a preview of how it will be I can honestly say I'm ready. No slip ups will be made and I will use all my resources to the highest extent.
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