I think that all of the charecters are changing for the better in both books. First, let me point out that this is really a great question. Why do i say that? because both of the books are so universaly related. When i say this i mean alot of the charecters are going thru the same trials and versisitudes of life. I think that the charecters in True notebooks are growing the growing threat of grim realities. I think that margine is also growing, becomeing more wise and knoledgable as a person but also becoming familiarized with the grim realities of war and the price that her family may have to play. I think that all charecters are growing for the better because as you go thru life you learn more and see more. i believe that everything that happends to someone happends for a reason and if you go thru life and you take a negative turn in life your still learning something. good or bad i believe your still learning something thru the trials, tribualtions, and the touph situations presented to you in life. So no matter what charecter in wich book is going thru what, this brings me back to my begginging statment of how the books are universaly connected.
Im actually seeing a change in myself now. I think that it is for the positive. the change is just that overall i am becoming more responsible in life overall. I feel that im developing more emotional intellegence wich is catupulting me and my place in life. with emotional intellegence you can make MUCH BETTER desicions. im doing better all around the chart of life just by amplifying me emotional intellegence. I'm more patient, and also more wiser. But like I said i think that the change is for the better.
I think you should elaborate more on the change the characters in True Notebooks are going through, specify characters and how they've changed from the beginning to now.