Jimmy had a negative change in religion. He stopped beliving in God cause of how his life was. He questioned is theres really a God. He gave the example of how the church members pray for his brother but the doctor said he's going to doie. He said if there was a God he wouldnt let his brother suffer that bad.he also questioned why God tests our faith. he asked why do he let things come i our life and make us dobt him. He feels everything remained un changed whether he prays or not.
Religion really impacted my life. After jail and when i got in my alternative school i started to pray more. I had so much voilence around me at the time i had to pray for my safty. There were rent-a-cops there and they didnt care about our saftey. People broght knives and guns and drugs in the school. So i had to pray everyday for my wellness. God protected me threw those 4 hard years with no fatal injuries. Society affected my life when i starting gangbanging and smoking weed alot. I was fighting alot and smokinga alot of weed. I was trying to be cool until i went to jail. I hated that i was following other follwers. It made me almost ruin my life. But society made me realize that people dont care about tou. alot of people is out for themselves and dont think of the effect of doing wrong.
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