Monday, August 16, 2010


eli's question:
I think that Mark seems in a way surprised. He is well aware of the fact that all of these kids have comited very serious crimes. I think most of the time he is ver niave about this. He sees the kids as normal high school students. Even when they atteneded the retreat he said they all seemed like normal high school students except for the orange jumpsuits. I think that really showed how niave Mark really is. He looks at papers in the office and realizes most kids have 185 next to their names, it means that they have killed someone. I think Mark kind of took a step back and realized that these kids are serious offenders even though they have alot of talent. Mark only sees the good side. so when one of his students is sent to the real prison I think it makes him realize another side to everyone in the juneile hall. Mark is starting to realize there is a reason that they are all locked up.
If I was in any of these characters shoes there would be no way I would be able to handle it. I could barely handel being grounded for a day let alone being locked up for the rest of my life. When they get in trouble there personals get taken away, I could not imagine that happening to me. I could not just sit in my cell everyday thinking about how I could have put myself in a better situation, it would drive me to become insane. I give these kids alot of credit for handling themselves the way they do.

Chris's question:
In the novel True Notebooks, all the characters are going through many changes, even Mark. Most of the immates realize everything that they have done wrong and are piecing together what made them that way. they are realizing how they could have been better people to begin with. Mark has even changed his sterotypes that he had before even coming to teach the kids. He doesn't even look at them like criminals, he sees them as just normal kids that have had things go wrong.
I think right now I am starting to see alot of change in myself. I'm realizing that I am out on my own now and I need to do things for myself. I don't have my parents here telling me what to do, I don't have teachers telling me I can turn in a paper ,I didn't do, in another week. I'm seeing my school work improve so much. I do my work and turn it in on time. I actually am taking the time to think about things rather than bull shitting my way through like I did in high school. I'm actually trying to do something for once. I'm trying so hard in math instead of giving up like I used to. Normally in my math classes I knew I couldn't do any of the math so I would start the class off by giving up on myself. I may not get everyanswer right now, but I'm trying so hard to learn it. I practice problems everynight. In english I'm thinking on a whole other level than I used too. I'm actaully reading in between the lines as opposed to just reading the text. I see how books actually connect to real life instead of just the characters life. I see that even a kid who is in jail for murdering someone can connect to me on some level. I feel like I have improved so much in just the past two weeks, I can feel the change. I'm ready to be in college and continue down the path I am going right now. I have never felt so accomplished in my school work ever. I'm proud of myself for trying instead of thinking I'm not smart enough to do this, and giving up. I know I can do whatever I set my mind to and I've already proven this to myself in two short weeks.


  1. I can relate to this as well. Change is always almost a better thing. Without having deadlines and people telling you to turn in your work, your on your own. Just the way it should be. You prove to yourself what you are capable of and what kind of person you become from it. It's always good to discover your potential, especially on your own and to yourself.

  2. I can also relate to this because when you're doing things for yourself and you can only depend on you to crack down on yourself, you start to work harder and appreciate things more. Feeling accomplished is a good feeling, and I think the bridge program is showing us all what we can really do.
