Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 6 Response- Kyle Rich

Bashkim- In Persepolis, Marjane is constantly faced with a numerous amount of obstacles from the get-go. It seems that in the story, there isn't one moment where she has to overcome or be bigger than something standing in her way. As People, Marjane has many obstacles. The Shah and all the other leaders that come into power are all obstacles because they try to remain fundamentalist, despite all the loss of freedoms that the country is suffering. Her parents are also another obstacle at one point. When Marjane wants to just instantly go out and put the world in her pocket, her parents try to keep her in check to reality. I cannot tell if this is a negative or a positive, but as the story progresses i shall find out. As things, her biggest obstacle is oppression. Especially in women. While she fights and strives for freedom throughout the story, there always seems to be something to take it away. Whether it be a class system, or a regime, Marjane just seems to simply want nothing more than to be an equal. When the government decides to close down the universities for not being "fundamental" enough, she begins to almost break down in fear of being an uneducated home maker. Her biggest oppression is what she cannot do. What she is forbidden from, makes her more intrested and want the freedom more. Just like any other kid would act. I have found in my life, that obstacles are nothing but motivation. For me, a quote that hits home is "I heart haters." Although this may seem shallow or silly, it is so complex. All the people who told me i could never do it or would never make it doing anything, makes me rise up to the occasion. I love being told i'm going to be a failure. It makes me work harder and harder to throw it right back in their face when i succeed. For me, i would rather be told i suck, than to be congratulated.

Carmelo- Thinking back, there was always many different groups that i placed myself into and fell in. I've always been my own man, and i never labeled myself anything. Im the type of guy that can be dropped into and group or sitation, and basically get comfortable and fit right in. And while i like to say that it has always been this way, i am wrong. I have been in lots of groups. Some bad, some good. I used to play football all through middle school, and in a way, i was kind of a jock. And after all my time in the group, i began to take notice of how plain and boring the run was. No creativity. No depth. Nothing but shallow and generally, unintrested people. I felt like a lemming, just following the crowd and doing things i didn't exactly like. Although i fell out of the group, i still remain friends with these kids to this day. Sure, we'll always have a good sense of humor and good times in common, but i'm just nowhere near like them. A childhood friend that i grew up with, used to pressure me to sneak out with him and a couple of his friends and stay up to no good. And while he introduced me to alcohol and smoking, i began to realize that in moderation, i have no problem with admitting i am a party person. However, he made me realize i was not a criminal, when he used to make me come out with him and break into parked cars. I was very poor and was extremely shaky during our operations, and it showed that thankfully, i am a poor thief.  I feel like a sponge, absorbing small parts here and there from all the groups ive been into in my eighteen years of life. Both of these groups have made me what i am today. Nothing but merely a man in the middle. One who can think for himself and make his own decisions, and i just go with the flow or go with whoever on what i find to be fun and intresting.

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